Success Stories from Some of Our Students
These Students Learned Esoteric Hypnotherapy Skills that Changed Their Lives
Jacky Foss
How a spiritual healer Jacky Foss used esoteric hypnotherapy to go from feeling lost, confused and exhausted to creating a life that makes her sing and now helping her clients to do the same...
Debra Gillespie
How Debra Gillespie discovered esoteric hypnotherapy and went from exhaustion working crazy 10+hour days to creating a soul based business that is life changing (for all parties), profitable and sustainable for Debra...
Jeanette Shearer
How Jeanette Shearer, a healer with 15 years of experience, went from feeling like she was missing something and 'things taking a long time' to creating quick and profound results for clients with esoteric hypnotherapy...
Judi Cranston
How Judi Cranston, musician and owner of KindyRock, discovered esoteric hypnotherapy and went from 'I never ever thought about being on a training in any healing modality' to creating a healing business...
Patricia Stowell
How Patricia Stowell made her 25+ years of struggle with depression a distant memory with esoteric hypnotherapy and now helping her clients do the same...
Student Testimonials
Our students love the remarkable transformaiton they have experienced with the professional esoteric hypnotherapy skills they have acquired. Read what our students say about our training...