Why Study with Us
Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®
Our Mission Statement
The Future of Healing,
Coaching and Hypnotherapy
Our Area of Expertise
Train with the experts. Learn from the leading global authority on the sacred art of esoteric hypnosis, shamanic healing and esoteric hypnotherapy.
Our area of expertise is healing the human soul and spirit. We are the world’s first specialist training providers on the ancient sacred art of using esoteric hypnotherapy to facilitate soul retrieval, deep soul healing and spirit root cause healing. The Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® is at the leading edge of shamanic healing and hypnotherapy. We are the Future of Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Shamanic Healing. Our training programs are the Holistic Healing of the Future. We progressively teach you powerful and proven skills and techniques necessary for working at the deepest level of human psyche, which is the human soul and spirit to address the root cause of many issues that people are experiencing today, such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, trauma, fears, insomnia, health challenges and many others.
The Global Leader
The Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® is the sole custodian of the modern contemporary shamanism that is the fully restored original cosmic or stellar shamanism. Our comprehensive training programs reveal the secrets of the ancient Egyptian healer priests-priestesses and ancient shamanic healing techniques of the House of the Bee Mystery School®. Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, master healer, shaman, medicine woman and founder of the Esoteric Hypnosis training Academy® is the creator and original and exclusive teacher of the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® system and Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® system.State-of-the-Art Teachings
We provide state-of-the-art professional and progressive training programs for shamanic healers, esoteric hypnotherapists and soul coaches worldwide. Those who have trained with us are standing at the forefront of healing, hypnotherapy and life coaching today, offering their clients a highly effective ground-breaking way to successfully address and clear deep seated issues and old patterns that they could not previously resolve. The Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Shamanic Soul Healing, Shamanic Soul Retrieval, Healing the Spirit and HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® healing, coaching and hypnotherapy sessions that our graduates are able to offer to their clients have at their basis the original ancient shamanic healing techniques that have been successfully practiced by the legendary healer priest-priestesses of ancient Egypt. As such they are sought after healing sessions that create profound, deep, extraordinary and lasting transformation and healing for clients.Our Values
Awareness of the importance and sanctity of soul and spirit stands at the very core of everything we do and teach. We stand for inclusivity, universality and cooperation while fully honouring and supporting the sovereignty of each individual soul and the uniqueness of that soul’s journey.Creating Successful Esoteric Hypnotherapists, Soul Coaches and Shamanic Healing Practitioners
We provide our students with comprehensive and progressive training programs that contain not only leading edge esoteric hypnotherapy skills, life coaching and shamanic healing techniques and processes, but also a comprehensive training package with powerful tips and resources that enable our students to start booking clients straight after the training so they can begin to rapidly grow their esoteric hypnotherapy, life coaching and shamanic healing practice.Code of Ethics
We require that all practitioners of the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® conduct client sessions within the parameters of a very clear Code of Ethics.
Online School and Student Support
Our students and graduates have a lifetime access to the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Online School with an ever increasing number of resources and tools. Our Online School includes esoteric hypnosis, shamanic healing and life coaching resources as well as bonus materials that help our students to market their business and create thriving hypnotherapy, shamanic healing and coaching practices. All students are invited to become part of a supportive and convivial and dynamic private Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® community Facebook group, where our students and graduates have discussions, ask questions and support each other.Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Graduates
Meet Some of Our Graduates

The Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Founder
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Creator of Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis®,
Golden Grid Technique® and HypnoSoul Coach®
My life’s work has been about the reinstatement of the ancient shamanic, healing, spiritual and magical pathways.
I was also born with highly developed clairvoyant abilities and for as long as I can remember I have been aware of metaphysical realities and being able to tap into, or access what is called in my tradition the inner plane pool of indigenous, or ancient earth wisdom.

My life has truly been an extraordinary one. I was initiated onto the healing and shamanic pathways at the age of 16 when faced with a life and death situation. I chose life and in the early 1970’s began my formal study through full immersion in the world of astrology, magic, tarot, alchemy, shamanism and vibrational medicine.

At 17 years old I began seeing clients in my healing practice.
Over the years my inner plane connections became broader and stronger and I was drawn ever more deeply into the esoteric and occult mysteries of the western mystery tradition, the power of the mind, magic, metaphysics and shamanism. In the 1990’s I was sought out by various aboriginal and other indigenous elders and initiated by them into the deeper mysteries of the shamanic worlds. I saw and experienced the power of hypnosis and trance states used for healing in those traditions. I understood first-hand the power, reality and influence of the mind for healing on all levels of the holistic being as well as its disordering effects in such activities as ‘pointing the bone’, makutu and black magic. I knew how to bring healing into the soul and spirit just as I knew how to bring illness into someone or remove illness from someone. I learnt that the same energy that can heal, can also harm, destroy and even kill.In the early 1990’s I was called by spirit to formally reconnect again in this life to the wonderful world of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
When I first began my formal study of hypnosis in 1999, I already had over 25 years of immersion, study and experience in the metaphysical, esoteric and occult fields including that of the hermetic sciences.
I had penetrated very deeply into the mysteries of the magical inner worlds of the mind, trance states and human consciousness. I had become profoundly aware of the power of soul and spirit in the healing process.
I knew right from the start that for me, hypnosis and hypnotherapy was much more than what was being presented in the world of mainstream hypnotherapy and that this mainstream approach was not my niche, or my path. I felt as if something was missing from hypnotherapy, something key, something vast and something profound.
I wanted to find the missing keys that would unlock the door to reveal the full potential of hypnosis.
I wanted to dive deeply, madly and intensely into what was to me the inner, real and limitless esoteric and magical world of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. This was the other face of hypnosis; the hidden face that I knew held the real secrets, the real power and the real healing potential of hypnosis.
I wanted to become a master practitioner of true esoteric hypnosis and be an expert in the metaphysical, magical shamanic or occult aspect of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that had been perfected thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians.

I wanted to bring the power of soul and spirit back into hypnotherapy.
So, I followed my passion and after an epic journey into the inner worlds here I am offering you totally new and ground-breaking ways of working with the ancient and supremely powerful tool of esoteric hypnosis and hypnotherapy with the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy© and the state-of-the art Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® training programs.
Graduate Success Stories
What Our Students Are Saying

Consciousness expansion in a way that has been missing until now
Tania Vinson
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist
Tauranga, New Zealand

I am now able to have a soul based and focused business that is life changing (for all parties), profitable and sustainable
Debbie Gillespie
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Alchemist
Auckland, New Zealand
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® Certificate Training
Specialist Soul Retrieval©
Online On Demand 2022



Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Certificate Training
Specialist Soul Retrieval©
Starts 25th September 2022
Live Online Training with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber have limited spaces available
And sell out fast
SEPT 2022 Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Certificate Training Online
JAN 2022 Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy Certificate Training Online SOLD OUT

NOV 2021 Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy Certificate Training Online SOLD OUT

OCT 2021 Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy Certificate Training Online SOLD OUT

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis®
Become a Specialist Soul Retrieval Hypnotherapist
- Effect rapid, deep and permanent transformation
- Effectively address the unresolved issues the soul has
- Help the client clear and heal deep soul wounds
- Be at the cutting edge of healing and hypnosis
- Deliver outstanding and lasting results
Limited Intake. Book Now!
2022: 21, 22, 23 – 28, 29, 30 Jan ONLINE
2021: 22, 23, 24 Oct and 29, 30, 31 Oct SOLD OUT
2021: 19, 20, 21 Nov – 26, 27, 28 Nov SOLD OUT
9:00am – 5:00pm NZT
Is This Training Right For You?
Never Seen Clients Before or an Experienced Healer...
This Training Can Change Your Life

Do you feel drawn to the healing and helping profession?
Maybe you are not quite sure why or how but just know it is the right next step for you?
Maybe you have a faint or distant memory of having walked the path of the healer before?
Are you drawn to help because you see the pain and suffering of others?
Have you always had a feeling as if you do not belong, or a sense of not fitting in?
Have you been through many trials and tribulations, your own rites of passage and dark nights of the soul?
Do you want to reclaim your ancestral gifts?
You just know it is your destiny?
Do you feel drawn to the healing and helping profession?
- This training is right for you... if you have a sense that there has to be more to life than a surface type existence and you want to find your own niche in life and a sense of meaning and substance along with a deeper connection with yourself and others.
Maybe you are not quite sure why or how but just know it is the right next step for you?
- This training is right for you... if you feel called to walk the path of the healer in response to a sense, a feeling, perhaps not really knowing why but at an unconscious level responding to a deep prompting, or calling within your being that it is time to use your gifts to be of service to others and make a difference in the world.
Maybe you have a faint or distant memory of having walked the path of the healer before?
- This training is right for you... if you have a sense or a knowing that you have done this before and that you are part of something much bigger. You have a feeling of an inexorable magnetic pull that is impossible to resist and a calling or interest in diving deeply into the hidden mysteries and magical world of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
Are you drawn to help because you see the pain and suffering of others?
- This training is right for you... if you are someone who finds it hard to separate yourself out from what is occurring around you. Your high levels of sensitivity to the pain and suffering you see in the world is driving you to find ways, means and tools to be able to help others.
Have you always had a feeling as if you do not belong, or a sense of not fitting in?
- This training is right for you... if you are often more comfortable with the metaphysical realm than the physical dimension. Close one-to-one connections with others are not easy for you and you may be uncomfortable being around people for protracted periods of time. You are a humanitarian with a foot in both worlds, conscious of living in a dualistic world and of being a spirit having a physical journey wanting to inspire others to experience the spiritual side of life.
Have you been through many trials and tribulations, your own rites of passage and dark nights of the soul?
- This training is right for you... if you now seek to draw deeply upon your wisdom and inner resources to assist others on their journey to wholeness and wellbeing. Rather than be broken by life’s experiences you seek to rise above them help others do the same.
Do you want to reclaim your ancestral gifts?
- This training is right for you... if you are drawn to walk an ancestral path to reclaim your ancestral healing gifts. You may have incarnated into a physical lineage of healers ensuring the lineage is unbroken and can be perpetuated. You seek to draw upon ancient wisdom and ancient secrets of healing to help people who find their way to you.
You just know it is your destiny?
- This training is right for you... if you feel that your feet are magnetically aligned with the path of the healer. You seek to enter into the mysteries of the healing path and move progressively deeper into the mysteries of healing and the mysteries of the universe aspiring to the highest echelons, the heights of excellence in the healing arts.