The Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Founder
Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Master Healer, Shaman, Medicine Woman
My life’s work has been about the reinstatement of the ancient shamanic, healing, spiritual and magical pathways.
At the core of that work is the reinstatement of the original cosmic or stellar shamanism, and its associated esoteric hypnosis as an integrated methodology that works with the complete structure of human consciousness and the entire person in a manner developed and applied by the ancient sages.I come from a long line of healers, shamans and medicine men and women. I am Russian on my mother’s side and Native American on my father’s side so the old shamanic ways and the knowledge of the ancient earth wisdom traditions are in my blood. I was also born with highly developed supersensory, clairvoyant and healing abilities and for as long as I can remember I have been aware of metaphysical realities and being able to directly access what is called in my tradition the ‘inner plane pool of indigenous, or ancient earth wisdom’. On a metaphysical, magickal and occult level, I am the High Priestess of the House of the Bee Mystery School®. I am the carrier of the original ancient lineage teachings on shamanic healing. I have brought these sacred teachings in their original, pristine, untainted and undiluted state through time from the ancient Lemuria to Aquarian Age. I share this deeply sacred knowledge with you through my teachings and training.
Founder of the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®
Creator of Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® System
Creator of HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® System
Creator of the Golden Grid Technique®
Creator of Elemental House® System
My life has truly been an extraordinary one. I was initiated onto the healing and shamanic pathways at the age of 16 when faced with a life and death situation. I chose life and in the early 1970’s began my formal study through full immersion in the worlds of astrology, magick, tarot, alchemy, shamanism and vibrational medicine.

At 17 years old I began seeing clients in my healing and shamanic practice.
In the 1990’s I was sought out by various aboriginal and indigenous elders and initiated by them into the deeper mysteries of the shamanic worlds. I both saw and experienced the power of hypnotherapy and shamanic trance states used for healing in those traditions.
I understood first-hand the power, reality and influence of magick, the mind, soul and spirit in healing on all levels of the holistic being. I also understood how magick and the mind can be used in such activities as ‘pointing the bone’, makutu and black magic.
I understood more deeply how a shaman can work with the conscious, subconscious and unconscious aspects of the mind to bring healing to the soul and spirit. I also understood just as well how shamanic techniques can be used to bring illness into someone or remove illness from someone. I learnt that the same energy that can heal, can also harm, destroy and even kill.
Later on in life, passing on my shamanic healing knowledge, skills and techniques to other shamanic healers and practitioners became my life’s mission.
I had penetrated very deeply into the mysteries of the magickal inner worlds of the mind, soul and spirit. I worked extensively with shamanic trance states and the occult science of transformation of human consciousness. I had become profoundly aware of the power of soul and spirit in the healing process, and that it was absolutely essential, in fact, vital, that the soul and spirit were part of the healing process in order for true and lasting healing to take place.
When I undertook the formal study in Clinical Hypnotherapy, I knew right from the start that for me, hypnosis and hypnotherapy was much more than what was being presented in the world of mainstream hypnotherapy. I knew that this mainstream approach was not my path. I felt that something was missing from this mainstream hypnotherapy, something key, something vast and something profound.
I knew that the ancient shamanic approach to healing had the missing key
and that it unlocked the door to reveal the full potential of hypnosis.
I wanted to dive deeply, madly and intensely into what was to me the inner, real and limitless esoteric and magical world of hypnosis and hypnotherapy integrated with my experience and knowledge of shamanism and shamanic healing.
By placing the soul and spirit at the centre in my own healing practice and later on in my training programs, when I started to teach others, I knew I have uncovered and began to reveal the other face of hypnosis.

This was the hidden face that I knew held the real secrets, the real power and the real healing potential of hypnosis. This was the esoteric face of hypnosis, working shamanically with hypnotherapy to heal the soul and spirit of a person. I knew this was the ancient and the original way of working with hypnosis.
I became a master practitioner seamlessly weaving together my expertise and extensive experience in metaphysics, occultism, shamanism, healing, astrology, ritual and magick.
I wanted to bring the power of soul and spirit back into hypnotherapy. I wanted to re-instate the true power of hypnosis through the application of ancient shamanic techniques and knowledge of trance states for healing.
So, after an epic journey into and through the inner worlds, and following divinity’s guidance, here I am offering you totally new and ground-breaking ways of working with the ancient and supremely powerful tool of shamanic healing and esoteric hypnosis in my state-of-the art Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy© training programs.
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® Graduates
What Our Students Are Saying

Consciousness expansion in a way that has been missing until now
“Hearing the call to be part of this re-contextualised approach to hypnotherapy was something I did not even question, it was just something I needed to do.
I hoped to gain the skills and attributes to assist other souls in discovering and healing issues that lie deep within the psyche. This applies to myself as well, knowing this would give me the opportunity to be hypnotised and work to reclaim my own lost soul aspects.
As a modality, the structure of this work allows for the soul to address directly and reclaim itself towards wholeness…”

I am now able to have a soul based and focused business that is life changing (for all parties), profitable and sustainable
“I did not feel that hypnotherapy and hypnosis as a modality was for me. So very surprised I am now a Certified Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® Hypnotherapist!
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® has depth and profound power. It is a fully integrated approach. The integrity of the work and the content is of the highest calibre.
As a result of this training I am now able to have a soul based and focused business that is life changing (for all parties), profitable and sustainable…”
Debbie Gillespie
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Alchemist
Auckland, New Zealand
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® Certificate Training
Specialist Soul Retrieval©
Online On Demand 2022



Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Certificate Training
Specialist Soul Retrieval©
Starts 25th September 2022
Live Online Training with Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber have limited spaces available
And sell out fast
SEPT 2022 Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Certificate Training Online
JAN 2022 Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy Certificate Training Online SOLD OUT

NOV 2021 Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy Certificate Training Online SOLD OUT

OCT 2021 Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy Certificate Training Online SOLD OUT

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis®
Become a Specialist Soul Retrieval Hypnotherapist
- Effect rapid, deep and permanent transformation
- Effectively address the unresolved issues the soul has
- Help the client clear and heal deep soul wounds
- Be at the cutting edge of healing and hypnosis
- Deliver outstanding and lasting results
Limited Intake. Book Now!
2022: 21, 22, 23 – 28, 29, 30 Jan ONLINE
2021: 22, 23, 24 Oct and 29, 30, 31 Oct SOLD OUT
2021: 19, 20, 21 Nov – 26, 27, 28 Nov SOLD OUT
9:00am – 5:00pm NZT