Student Success Story

Jacky Foss
How a spiritual healer Jacky Foss used esoteric hypnotherapy to go from feeling lost, confused and exhausted to creating a life that makes her sing and now helping her clients to do the same
Jacky, a dedicated spiritual healer, had spent years giving endlessly to others. Despite her passion for healing, she found herself on the verge of burnout and feeling unfulfilled. Knowing there had to be a better way to serve without sacrificing her own well-being, Jacky decided to join the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© training.
Jacky’s Challenge:
Before embarking on this transformative journey, Jacky faced deep personal struggles. She grappled with a loss of identity after leaving her job and a sense of disconnection from her purpose. The weight of constantly giving without feeling heard or valued took a toll on her mental and emotional health.

In Jacky's Own Words...
In search for a better way...
Being a spiritual healer who gave so much to others, I knew there had to be another way. A better way to be of service without burning myself out.
Things needed to change. I needed to change.
Honestly, I was ready for anything that was different to what I was experiencing.
I wanted to change. Change in me.
Change in my circumstances.
Change in how I viewed the world.
I needed certainty, clarity, and reassurance. Reassurance that I wasn’t alone.
Negative self-talk almost got in the way
When I saw HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© training I felt called, but my negative self-talk said:
Why should I invest so much money and time into me?
What makes you so special that you think you can be a successful HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®?
Here we go again! Maybe you should keep doing what you know best.
In the end, I decided to let go and surrender. Surrender to the universe and hope for the best.
Feeling lost, confused and hurting
When I started the training, I would have said I was ok. I’m ready to explore and expand.
But in reality, I was lost, confused, hurting, and to be honest, I wasn’t living or existing – I was just taking up space.
My world had been turned upside down. I had gone from paid employment to having a crisis of identity.
I had been doing some deep healing and thought that embarking on a self discovery journey would be fun, be a wonderful adventure, all sunshine and sparkly unicorns. In reality it was challenging, confronting, and overwhelming.
My heart and soul felt so heavy and broken.
I had the belief that the more I gave, the more I said ‘yes’ to others, the more I kept going against my better judgment would bring more praise, acknowledgment, fulfillment, love, purpose, and peace. Guess what?
I was wrong!!
I was struggling with being heard.
Being seen. Being valued. Being me.
Gaining clarity on why I am here
When I stoppped going to work for 8-10 hours a day my mind started telling me that I should be doing more.
I was comparing myself to others: ‘Why is it that they have everything and I can’t even be happy with who I am?’
I was always seeking answers outside of myself.
By enrolling in HypnoSuccess Soul® Master Keys to Success© training with Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® I have asked for help. Help with finding my way to my soul-aligned purpose/mission.
Embarking on the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© training gave me answers, understanding, direction, and clarity for where I am going, where I am needed, and most importantly, why I am here in the first place.
More than once, I wanted to give up and go back to hiding. Hiding from myself, hiding from the world, and hiding from my soul mission.
I said YES to me and I am creating a life that makes me sing
Through all of this experience, I have created an online soul and heart-aligned business that is providing powerful changes to my clients.
My clients are seeing their worth and understanding they are being seen, heard, and held and most importantly, been validated for being themselves.”
I’m creating a life that enables me to focus on what makes my heart sing.
Embracing opportunities that would never have been possible if I didn’t say YES to me and become a HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach.
All of this and more is happening because I said YES to me in spite of fear, trust issues, trauma, and the unknown.
Breakthroughs Jacky's Clients Experience during HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Sessions:
Jacky’s Client Success Stories
Through Jacky’s work as a HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®, she is seeing her clients experience profound shifts in their lives:
Client A: After two sessions, she felt her head and heart become lighter, which allowed her to return to her creative passion for art.
Client B: Took the bold step to leave a toxic and mentally draining job and follow her passion of working with people in the hospital sector.
Client C: Is now stepping into being more present and seeking deeper connections with both clients and family.
Client D: Experienced a spark in energy, now embracing self-acceptance and no longer viewing their disability as a disadvantage.
Client Testimonial: Melissa Gardiner
"Blown away with experience.
A deep sense of peace and direction."
Melissa Gardiner, a practitioner at Manaia Yoga & Wellbeing, shares her experience working with Jacky:
“I was unsure what the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® sessions were about. I did know that I would learn about my Soul Master Keys but didn’t even really understand what that meant. But a part of me, my Soul, was loud and clear in that it wanted me to experience this.”
I booked my sessions with Jacky Foss, the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®. I went in with no expectations and was blown away with the deep dive experience this turned into. I was willing to go deep, and the results have provided me with direction forward, a deep sense of peace knowing how to connect and communicate with my Soul, and enhanced my ability to trust and go with the flow. Discovering my soul’s Master Keys have allowed me to understand myself on a deeper level.
“During the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® sessions, I had the most amazing experience of embodying my Soul. This felt AMAZING.”
“I highly recommend this HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Journey with Jacky for those who want direction, who want to be aligned with their Soul, who want to put the work in to fully embrace this offering, and to those who are ready to create change. For that is guaranteed!”
“Jacky brings a quirky, light and fun approach to these sessions but also has the capacity to go deep and create/hold a safe space in which you can dive into the secrets of your Soul. She is also very intuitive which enhances these sessions, and makes them unique. Thank you so much Jacky.”
Melissa Gardiner, Manaia Yoga and Wellbeing

Jacky Foss is an Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Registered Hypnotherapist.
To learn more about Jacky, visit here.