Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Hypnosuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys To Success© Certificate Training


The global leader and specialist professional training provider for
esoteric hypnotherapy, shamanic healing, soul retrieval, past life regression, ancestral healing and life coaching for the soul.

esoteric hypnosis franchelle
Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis
Golden Grid Technique
HypnoSuccess Soul Coach



Become a Soul Coach

Hypnosuccess Soul Coach® CERTIFICATE



The Sacred Art of Ancient Egyptian Esoteric Hypnosis and Shamanic Life Coaching for the Soul©

100+ Hour Online Training

Study at Your Own Pace

Start 22nd April 2024

Learn the ancient and sacred art of ancient Egyptian esoteric hypnosis and and shamanic life coaching for the soul. Discover how to identify the Soul’s Contract and Master Keys to Success© required for the soul to live authentically, fulfil its destiny and achieve its goals and objectives in this life.

Become a Soul Coach and Change Lives!
Work with Proven
Ancient Egyptian Hypnosis and Shamanic Healing Techniques to Create Rapid Change for the Soul.

The HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© is a state-of-the-art training that equips you with the skills necessary for working with the transformative power of soul, the science of mind, hermetic psychology and ancient Egyptian esoteric hypnosis to achieve rapid breakthrough results in consciousness and create true success in your own life as well as in the lives of your friends, family and clients.

Learn how to identify the Soul’s Contract and its Master Keys for this Physical Incarnation. Learn state-of-the-art skills to assist the soul to unlock its true authentic self, and its purpose and destiny in this lifetime. Help your clients to create success and live in alignment with their soul’s true objectives and goals in this lifetime.


Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Creator of HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® System, Founder of Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® and Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies®, award winning holistic healing expert and Certified ICBCH Trainer (International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy)

100+ hours


Online School


Start Now


Online training includes:

✔️ Over 100+ hours of training with pre-recorded videos, over 150+ pages of written esoteric teachings laid out in the online school, exercises and much more 

✔️ Easy-to-follow scripts that you can use with your own clients

✔️ Access to the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Community private Facebook group

✔️ Bonuses: Business and Marketing resources to help you start and grow your practice

✔️ Unlimited access to monthly live online sessions with supervised practices and Q&A

Unlock the Power of Soul to Transform Lives

Why HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®
Master Keys to Success©
Certificate Training?

In my 50 years of experience working with clients, I have found that so many people are living an inauthentic life where the full potential of the soul is not realised.

So many people ‘lock’ themselves into limiting definitions of ‘who’ they are, ‘what’ they can do and ‘when’ they can do it, and as a result, are locked into a limiting reality. 

When this occurs opportunities are passed by and vital ‘dates with destiny’ are missed.

As a consequence, the life is lived inauthentically with the soul not knowing who it truly is and what its real purpose is in life.

I often hear people say:

  • I feel as if my life is passing me by
  • I want to discover my true purpose
  • It’s now time for ME
  • I need to get my life on track
  • Nothing seems to be working
  • I feel I am running out of time
  • I feel blocked
  • I feel stuck
  • I don’t know where to start
  • I need to get back in touch with me
  • and the list goes on and on

When I started working with clients in a healing capacity at the age of 16, I could see, with my innate highly developed clairvoyant abilities, how one of the primary reasons for the problems in a person’s life was that they were out of touch or not in relationship with their own soul. 

The sad reality is that instead of living in a dynamic, intelligent and co-creative relationship with their soul, and unlocking their full potential, most people progressively moved further and further away from their own essential nature, their true essence or soul.

When viewed from an esoteric perspective, this can be described as an individual being ‘locked out’ of the house of their soul and living in a prison created by their own mind or by the thoughts, opinions or expectations of others.

When this occurs, a person’s life becomes smaller and smaller, preventing them from achieving success in their life, or from feeling truly accomplished, successful and fulfilled.

Just like someone who has locked themselves out of their own home and lost the key, their soul yearns to find the key to unlock the door and release itself from the limiting reality, the ‘prison’ that has been imposed on it.

The reality is that the soul is the true creator of our reality and it is vital that we understand its true objectives, desires and intentions.  

When we unlock the door to the soul’s true potential we create deep and lasting changes in the subconscious and unconscious aspects of the mind and in the life that in turn leads to true success.

From the inception of my healing practice I have worked directly with the soul of the client. The results have always been immediate, profound and often extraordinary.

It is my life’s work to help people connect back to their soul and their soul’s true purpose. In over 50+ years of my healing career, I have helped thousands of clients to experience powerful breakthroughs and create authentic success, including high flying business men and women, authors, celebrities, mothers, doctors, nurses, lawyers, entrepreneurs, healers and many others from all walks of life.

Over the decades I have perfected my signature HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© formula and framework that are based on the ancient Egyptian esoteric hypnosis and shamanic soul healing techniques that are thousands of years old. 

These sacred techniques for working directly with the soul of a person and assisting the soul to maximise success on its evolutionary journey, have not been publicly taught or practiced since the times of ancient Egypt. They are provided exclusively through the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®.

With these transformational techniques I have seen my clients quickly, powerfully and effectively unlock the extraordinary potential of their soul, and create true success in their lives, achieving their goals, hopes, wishes and dreams.

Get access to my unique signature HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© formula and framework to, unlock your authentic self, and access the inner power to create true success in your own life and in the lives of others.

I invite you to join the online HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© Certificate Training and experience the magick of this training and system for yourself.

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder of Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®
Creator of HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® System

Learn How to Create Rapid Changes

What You Will Learn

No prior training or experience in hypnotherapy, healing or coaching is required.

What Students Say

It’s a game changer

“Our relationship with our soul is the key to a truly successful life. Gnosis of the soul and its objectives is the key to the fulfilling of our destiny – without this relationship our life will be controlled by the fickle winds of fate”

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

What You Will Be Able To Do

The HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© Certificate Training equips you with proven techniques and tools that you can use to start or grow your Soul Coach practice.

You will be able to:

Effective Rapid-Change Tools for Achieving Success

What Are the Benefits to the Client?

Create powerful breakthroughs and results for clients in a short space of time

With the skills learnt in this training you will be able to help clients strengthen the relationship with their own soul, identify the Master Plan of their Soul© and discover their individual Master Keys to Success©.

You will learn how to help your clients make effective soul-based decisions and identify the exact resources within themselves required to navigate any life situation. 

You will help your clients to learn how to follow their inner compass and stay aligned with their goals in an intelligent, dynamic and empowered manner.

You will learn the ABC of esoteric hypnosis and shamanic life coaching techniques for the soul to help your clients acquire lifelong skills to maximise potential opportunities, achieve their aspirations, create success and live a meaningful and authentic life!

Work with purpose created professional esoteric hypnosis tools

Discover how to use Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Story Cards as powerful tools in your HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®  Master Keys to Success© practice. 

Easily create profound changes in people’s lives by learning how to speak directly with the soul of the client to create change at the subconscious-unconscious levels of the mind. 

With these purpose-created Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Story Cards and Franchelle’s signature HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success® system, methodology and framework you can confidently lead your client to their desired outcomes and easily assist their soul to achieve its objectives in this lifetime, even if you have never worked with clients before. 

Teachings, Techniques, Practice Exercises and Much More

How the Training Structured

Module One
The Soul, the Evolutionary Journey of Soul, the Work of the Soul Coach and Formally Stepping onto the House of the Bee Mystery School® Healing Lineage Pathway

✔️ Learn about the sacred role of the HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach and how to assist the soul to fulfil its contract in this lifetime, achieve its objectives and purpose, and live authentically. 

✔️ Learn the formula and in-depth teachings on how to identify for yourself and your clients the Soul’s Master Keys and how to work with these Master Keys to assist the soul to create true success in all areas of life: relationships, career, family, health and more. 

✔️ Plus much much more

Module Two
An Alchemical Process of Soul Transformation, Discovering and Working with Your Soul's Five Master Keys

✔️ Learn the sacred alchemical process of transformation of soul. Learn the structure, framework and practical steps and the art of working with another soul.

✔️ Discover and work with your soul’s five Master Keys to unlock your own Soul’s Contract in this life. 

✔️ Plus much much more

Module Three
Creating Breakthrough Results for Your Clients
Pre-Recorded Videos, Written Material and exercises

✔️ Practice taking clients through a coaching session to achieve rapid profound life-changing results. 

✔️ Learn how to master the art of esoteric hypnosis in coaching sessions and use the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® scripts to deliver consistently successful single sessions and multi-session programs to clients so they love coming back for more and refer others to you.

✔️ Plus much much more

Module Four
Demonstrations and Practice
MORE learning, PracTICE and EXERCISES

✔️ Develop more confidence with your new skills by watching demonstrations, doing specially designed exercises and hearing Franchelle’s HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© tips and insights. 

✔️ Polish your skills as a HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® and experience the life changing benefits of the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys for LIFE©, HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys for Soul GROWTH© and HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Life Path© for yourself. 

✔️ Practice swap sessions, ask questions, get support, tips and more in the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Community private Facebook group.

Module Five
Practice Makes Perfect
More PracTICE 😊

✔️ Continue to deepen your knowledge and gain more confidence with your new skillset as a  HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach so you can start delivering life-changing sessions to paying clients. 

✔️ Continue to experience the life changing benefits of the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys for LIFE©, HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys for Soul GROWTH© and HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Life Path© for yourself. 

✔️ Practice swap sessions, ask questions, get support, tips and more in the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Community private Facebook group.

Client Forms, Q&As, Business Checklist,
One-Hour Marketing Training for Healers,
Access to the Recording of the Live In-Person
Training with Franchelle and Much More
Pre-Recorded Videos, Written Material and exercises

✔️ Get access to clients forms, agreements, answers to commonly asked questions and more so you can start onboarding clients immediately after the training.

✔️ Get access to a special one-hour training by a digital marketing expert to help you grow your practice in a way that feels authentic and natural to you. 

✔️ Get access to the archived videos of the live in-person training delivered by Franchelle. 

Community Support
Connect, Ask, Feel Supported
private facebook group

Get access to the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®  Community private Facebook Group where you can: 

✔️ Connect with your fellow students and be part of the wider community of Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® practitioners  

✔️ Ask questions and get support – feel supported and motivated to complete your studies and achieve your qualification

✔️ Practice your new skills by buddying up with other students 

✔️ Experience the incredible power of this modality for yourself as a client by doing swap sessions with other students in the group

✔️ Plus much more 

LIVE Sessions
Unlimited Access
Access Our Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Monthly LIVE Online Supervised Practice & Q&A Sessions

✔️ Learn how to develop mastery as a HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach working with the magickal art of esoteric hypnosis, expand your skillset to be able to assist a wider range of clients and grow your clientele.

✔️ Tips on how to attract ideal clients to build a successful Soul Coach practice, stepping out into the world and into infinite possibilities as a HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach to create true soul-based success for yourself and for others.

✔️ Plus much much more

What Students Say

It’s a game changer!

A date with destiny
Schirin Chaos-Diba, USA

A 100% Yes.
Wendy Vermeulen, New Zealand

100+ Hours of Teaching and Training​

The Training Curriculum

  • Welcome to HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© Certificate Training
  • Training Structure Overview
  • A Personal Message from the Founder of the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®
  • Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber Founder of the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® and Creator of the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® System
  • About the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® and Its Unique and Proven 12-Step Healing System
  • The House of the Bee Mystery School© and Black Goddess Shamanism®
  • About the House of the Bee Mystery School©
  • The Formal Re-Establishment and Ritual Reinauguration of The House Of The Bee Mystery School© Lineage of Healer-Priests and Priestesses
  • About The House of the Bee Mystery School© Pathway
  • An Overview of the House of the Bee Mystery School© Shamanic Lineage Teachings
  • The Soul, Two Measures of Time and Holistic Wellbeing
  • The Twelve Sacred Strands Inherent in All Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Training Programs
  • Quiz Assessment
  • The HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© System and Bringing The Power of Soul and Spirit Back Into Hypnotherapy
  • Putting The Work of the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® into a Twenty First Century Context
  • Quiz Assessment
  • Understanding the Term HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®
  • The Sacred Role of the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®
  • The Sacred Work of the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®
  • A Summary of the Work of the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®
  • Five Foundational Skills of the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®
  • Connecting, Communicating and Communing with Soul
  • The Soul, Soul Growth, Timing and the Evolutionary Process
  • Quiz Assessment
  • About the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success©
  • Summary of the HypnoSuccess® Master Keys to Success©
  • HypnoSuccess® Master Keys and the Selection Process of Master Keys
  • Quiz Assessment
  • Five HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for LIFE©
  • About the HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for Life© Five-Session Program
  • Quiz Assessment
  • Eight HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for the Soul’s Growth
  • About HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for Soul GROWTH© Eight Session Program
  • Quiz Assessment
  • The HypnoSuccess® Master Keys Single Sessions
  • The HypnoSuccess® Life Path Master Key Single Session
  • Quiz Assessment
  • The House of the Bee Mystery School© Healer-Priest and Priestess Transmissions
  • About the Ankh and Its Significance
  • About the House of the Bee Mystery School© Healing Lineage Transmission
  • Quiz Assessment
  • The Ritual
  • Conducting the Ritual
  • Quiz Assessment
  • HypnoSuccess® Master Keys Selection in the Master Keys for Life© Five-Session Program
  • Establishing the Five HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for Life©
  • The Power Within the Day of the Week You Were Born
  • Q&A: Franchelle Answers Questions about Story Cards, Staying in Soul and Five Master Keys
  • Student Experience with Franchelle’s Insight
  • Demonstration and Q&A
  • Exercise B: Identify the Master Keys for Yourself
  • Community
  • Recap of the Five HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for LIFE©
  • Creating Connection with Soul
  • Exercise C: Identify the Master Keys for Others
  • Quiz Assessment
  • HypnoSuccess® Master Keys Selection for Soul GROWTH© Eight-Session Program
  • Example HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for Soul GROWTH© Eight-Session Program
  • The Magickal Power Inherent In the HypnoSuccess® Master Keys For LIFE© and HypnoSuccess® Master Keys For Soul GROWTH© Programs
  • Quiz Assessment
  • The Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® 12-Step Healing System – General Overview
  • HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© Healing Steps – Quick Reference Guide
  • Quiz Assessment
  • The Importance of the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Script Part ONE
  • Script Read Through – PART ONE
  • Franchelle Provides More Insights and Examples into Script Part ONE
  • Demos: Script PART ONE
  • Exercise D: Practice Script PART ONE
  • Community
  • Quiz Assessment
  • Stepping through Script: PART TWO
  • Exercise E: Practice Script PART TWO
  • Demos: Script PART TWO
  • Franchelle Provides Insights and Tips for Dealing with Client Emotions
  • Exercise F: Practice Script PART TWO
  • Exercise G: Practice Script PART TWO
  • Community
  • Quiz Assessment
  • Stepping through Script: PART THREE
  • Break Down of the Steps in Script: PART THREE
  • Ritual and the Power of Daily Practice
  • Exercise H: Practice
  • Community
  • Quiz Assessment
  • Getting Ready to Practice with the HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for LIFE© Script
  • Exercise I: Practice
  • Franchelle Shares Deeper Teachings into Authenticity and the HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for LIFE©
  • Developing Confidence With the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Skills
  • What Happens When The Soul Loses Its Five Master Keys For Life?
  • Tips: What To Do When Emotions Come Up
  • Q&As and Tips
  • Community
  • Quiz Assessment
  • Getting Ready to Practice with the HypnoSuccess® Master Keys for Soul GROWTH© Script
  • Working with the Scripts for HypnoSuccess® Master Key for Soul GROWTH©
  • Demo
  • Exercise J: Practice
  • Q&A and Tips
  • Community
  • Quiz Asessment
  • Submission of Your Case Studies Assignment
  • Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® Registered Practitioner and Website Directory Listing
  • Monthly LIVE Supervision and Q&A sessions
  • Level 1: Foundation in Esoteric Hypnotherapy – Shamanic Soul Healing©
  • Client Forms
  • Business Checklist
  • Business Exercises
  • Marketing Resources for Healers Video Training
  • Marketing Exercises
  • Additional Resources and Guides
  • Additional Practice and Exercises
  • Monthly Supervised Practice Sessions
  • And much more!

What Is Included

Training, Scripts, Resources and More

Gain access to the life-changing teaching sessions recorded during live training with Franchelle on Zoom. Immerse yourself into a learning experience and discover ancient teachings and specialised esoteric hypnosis techniques directly from the master of the art. 

We do not just teach state-of-the-art techniques. We are a mystery school and we provide you with comprehensive in-depth,  powerful and consciousness expanding mystery school teachings.

Gain access to the practical tools that you need to run successful HypnoSuccess® Soul Coach client sessions and programs.

Included in your toolkit are the

  • Calculators and Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®  Story Cards App
  • Client forms and agreement
  • and much more

Easy-to-follow Franchelle’s signature HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© scripts.

Receive a comprehensive scripts package to enable you to easily deliver powerful single sessions and coaching programs to your clients that have proven rapid breakthrough results. 

Follow the scripts to help your clients achieve their goals, be ale to make better decisions, more easily overcome life’s challenges, align with their authentic self and their life purpose and create true success in life. 

These scripts have been uniquely created by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber, creator of the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® system.  

These scripts are being successfully used by hundreds of students and practitioners around the world to deliver life-changing sessions to clients. 

Ongoing access to a wealth of learning material, videos and recorded material rich with information on the secrets and art of shamanic healing and esoteric hypnotherapy.

We have a track record of numerous students successfully completing our online training programs add starting their own shamanic practices, even if they initially were not sure or not confident using technology and studying online. We know you can start and run a successful shamanic practice online too and we would love to help you do it.

On completion of the training and successful meeting of the Certification criteria, you will receive a digital HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© Certificate that you can print and display in your office or clinic. 

You will also have an opportunity to be listed on our website as a currently practicing HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®.

Get access to the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®  Community private Facebook Group where you can connect with your fellow students, ask questions, get support, buddy up to practice your skills and much more.

Get access to the 1-hour recording of the marketing mini-course with a global digital marketing expert, who specialises in helping healers to attract more clients. Learn tips and strategies that are specially designed for healers to help them grow their practices in a way that feels natural and authentic. This video is packed with easy-to-follow tips that you can apply immediately to start or grow your clientele.

Plus other bonus materials such as Business checklists, and more. 

Join Our Training and Transform Lives

Become a Certified Soul Coach

By becoming a certified HypnoSuccess Soul Coach®, you will have the opportunity to make a profound impact on the lives of others. Whether you are a coach, therapist, or simply passionate about personal growth, this training will empower you to facilitate deep healing, self-discovery, and lasting transformation.

Enrol in the HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© Training and unlock the power within. Embark on a journey of personal and professional growth that will elevate your personal and professional life and coaching practice to new heights.

Personal and Professional Growth

Who Is This Training For?

Whether you are a seasoned explorer of the soul or just beginning the journey, HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© Training is guaranteed to open up new horizons and possibilities for you personally and professionally.

At the completion of this training you will be able to immediately start your own life coaching for the soul practice
Sacred Mystery School Teachings

Snippets from the In-Person Training

Videos recorded at the live in person HypnoSuccess Soul® Master Keys to Success© training delivered by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. Enrol in the online training to receive more of the sacred healing lineage teachings directly from the House of the Bee Mystery School® – the world oldest  mystery school that has its roots deep in ancient Lemuria.

Learn from the Creator of HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® System

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber is the creator of the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® system. Franchelle is the High Priestess of the House of the Bee Mystery School® and custodian of its healing and shamanic lineage, teachings, transmissions, techniques and training.

Franchelle has unparalleled knowledge and experience in the fields of shamanism, esoteric hypnosis, the occult, esoteric astrology, magick, ritual, alchemy and healing.

By undertaking the Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® training you can benefit from Franchelle’s unwavering commitment to educational excellence in the field of shamanism, hypnosis, healing and personal and professional growth.

Franchelle’s life has been dedicated to providing state-of-the-art comprehensive and in-depth training programs for healers, practitioners and genuine spiritual seekers worldwide. Franchelle is the founder of the three training establishments that together provide comprehensive leading edge personal and spiritual development and professional qualification pathways:

  • Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy® – the outer skills of the healer priest and priestess for working with others
  • Medicine Woman Centre of Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® – the inner skills, capacities and disciplines of the healer-shaman
  • First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®
    – an award winning vibrational medicine therapy

For over 50 years Franchelle has worked professionally with thousands of clients and students worldwide. By undertaking this training, you will gain access to Franchelle’s signature proven coaching techniques so you can start or grow your coaching practice. 

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Spiritual teacher, medicine woman, shaman, master soul and spirit healer, master hypnotherapist, master alchemist, psychic, author, award winning sacred plant medicine specialist, successful businesswoman and Certified ICBCH Trainer (International Certification Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy)


Tauhara Retreat Centre
Taupo, New Zealand

Train LIVE with Franchelle at the beautiful Tauhara Centre in Taupo, New Zealand
  • Tauhara Centre is the venue of 13 consecutive years of Medicine Woman Centre for Shamanic and Esoteric Studies® retreats, gathering and workshops run previously by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber and Anthony Wyber.
  • Be part of sacred ceremony conducted by Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber. Experience an evening of sacred ceremony and re-connection on 12th October starting at 7pm.
  • Meet with like minded others. Connect in-person with your soul family. Re-connect with old friends and make new friends and connections. You will have two free evenings to connect with others, explore, chill or take time out. Experience the camaraderie of linking in with like-minded souls who seek to purpose good in the world.
  • Explore the beautiful grounds of Tauhara Retreat Centre and discover the Tauhara sanctuary
  • Choose shared, self-contained accommodation or camping
  • Enjoy healthy home cooked food

Tauhara Retreat Centre is located in Acacia Bay, overlooking Lake Taupo in the centre of New Zealand’s North Island. It is a non-profit spiritual, cultural and educational centre with beautiful buildings, spacious grounds and amazing views of the lake.

Accomodation: Self-contained cottages and shared bunk rooms available as well as space for motorhomes and tents.

Food: Healthy, nutritious (mostly vegetarian) meals are provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Delicious morning and afternoon tea included also.

Note: Payment for accommodation and food is additional to the cost of the training.

Accommodation Prices (including meals) for 3 nights:

NZ$390 standard shared bunk room
NZ$480 self-contained shared room
NZ$390 caravan solo booked out
NZ$360 campervan site powered
NZ$345 camping site

Other options such as diet choices and staying off-site are available on the accommodation booking form


Watch from Anywhere in the World

Train with Franchelle online 
  • Meet with like-minded others on zoom.
  • Connect with members of your soul family from anywhere in the world.
  • Experience the camaraderie of linking in with like-minded souls who seek to purpose good in the world.
  • Enjoy leading edge training from the comfort of your own home.


HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© Certificate Training


– Approx US$900 –
(transaction processed in NZ$)



One Payment – Early Bird
(Early Bird price ends 22nd Mar 2024)
This payment is for the training only. Accommodation and meals are paid separately to Tauhara Retreat Centre – please follow the steps at the checkout.

Online Training

Study at your own pace


Access life-changing esoteric hypnosis training on any of your devices from anywhere in the world.

Live Online Workshop

17,18,19 November 2023

Friday 17th Nov, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday 18th Nov, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sunday 19th Nov, 9:00am to 4:30pm

Online Zoom

This payment is for the training only. Accommodation and meals are paid separately to Tauhara Retreat Centre - please follow the steps at the checkout.

Live Residential Workshop Retreat
12,13,14,15 October 2023

Thurs 12th Oct, 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Friday 13th Oct, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Saturday 14th Oct, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Sunday 15th Oct, 9:00am to 4:00pm

Tauhara Retreat Centre, Taupo, New Zealand

Live Online Workshop
17,18,19 November 2023

Friday 17th Nov, 9:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday 18th Nov, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Sunday 19th Nov, 9:00am to 4:30pm

Online Zoom

Select Training Option

Live In-Person Residential OCT 2023 SOLD OUT

Payment Plan

HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® Master Keys to Success© Certificate Training

2x monthly payments of NZ$795 (Total NZ$1,590)

2x monthly payments of approx US$475
(transaction processed in NZ$)


2x monthly payments of $650 (Total $1300)

Payment Plan – Early Bird
(Payment Plan offer ends 22nd Mar 2024)
This payment is for the training only.
Accommodation and meals are paid separately to Tauhara Retreat Centre – please follow the steps at the checkout.

Live Residential Workshop Retreat

12,13,14,15 October 2023

Thurs 12th Oct, 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Friday 13th Oct, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Saturday 14th Oct, 9:00am to 4:30pm Sunday 15th Oct, 9:00am to 4:00pm

Tauhara Retreat Centre, Taupo, New Zealand

Online Training

Study at your own pace

Access life-changing esoteric hypnosis training on any of your devices from anywhere in the world.

This payment is for the training only. Accommodation and meals are paid separately to Tauhara Retreat Centre - please follow the steps at the checkout.

Live Residential Workshop Retreat
12,13,14,15 October 2023

Thurs 12th Oct, 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Friday 13th Oct, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Saturday 14th Oct, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Sunday 15th Oct, 9:00am to 4:00pm

Tauhara Retreat Centre, Taupo, New Zealand

Live Online Workshop
17,18,19 November 2023

Friday 17th Nov, 9:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday 18th Nov, 9:00am to 4:30pm
Sunday 19th Nov, 9:00am to 4:30pm

Online Zoom

Select Training Option

1st training payment: billed now with this purchase,

2nd training payment: billed in one month.

Training payment plan must be paid in full before  Certificate can be issued.

Do You Have a Question About This Training?

Talk to Us

Join Your Soul Family

Why People Love This Training

The Original Lineage Teachings

House of the Bee Mystery School© Guarantee

I can personally guarantee that the information and skills you are  going to learn in this training do not exist anywhere else. 

The teachings I share with you in this training are the pure, original and undiluted teachings of the House of the Bee Mystery School© healing lineage. These sacred teachings have not been publicly available since the time of ancient Egypt.

Franchelle Ofsoské-Wyber
Founder of Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy®
Creator of HypnoSuccess Soul Coach® System

Esoteric Hypnosis Training Academy

We are thrilled that you are enrolling into one of our exclusive state of the art training programs.
You are entering into a true mystery school. Our training programs are a structured and proven pathway for serious and committed students.

While we are committed to providing state-of-the art information and a structured educational pathway to our students, each student is required to practise self-responsibility by taking full responsibility for their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing for the duration of the program and ensuring they have appropriate support structures in place. To confirm your understanding of this requirement please complete the questions below.

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We are thrilled that you are enrolling into one of our exclusive state of the art training programs.
You are entering into a true mystery school. Our training programs are a structured and proven pathway for serious and committed students.

While we are committed to providing state-of-the art information and a structured educational pathway to our students, each student is required to practise self-responsibility by taking full responsibility for their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellbeing for the duration of the program and ensuring they have appropriate support structures in place. To confirm your understanding of this requirement please complete the questions below.

Click submit to add to cart and you will be redirected to the Checkout page.
Once the Checkout page loads follow the steps to complete your transaction.

I wanted to learn what was needed to make a profession out of my souls healing journey.

The reason I enrolled in the Certificate in Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® training is dedication to my soul’s journey.

Before I enrolled, my concern was that I didn’t have energy, room and time for it, because I already committed to other things.

I wanted to learn what was needed to make a profession out of my souls healing journey.

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® training is the only hypnotherapy I ever have wanted to invest in.

This is pure soul oriented, and very systematic modality.

My biggest AHA moment was discovering a readiness in me to work professionally as soul healer.

This training fuelled my confidence and aspiration.

This training has made me secure, aspired and confident enough manifesting a healing profession. I now feel empowered in my ability to help and support clients using the systematic process the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® program offers, embracing the whole of a person and all dimensions of human existence and experience.

After this training I am able to offer support and help to individuals by communicating soul to soul.

My financial and time investment into this training was absolutely worth it.

I am excited about how much aspiration and direction I have got. I feel this training has increased my ability to take action and to manifest.

I am deeply grateful.”

Nina Verasdatter
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Child Welfare
Skedsmokorset, Norway

I'm in awe at Franchelle's offerings and what she brings. It was an easy decision to enrol into the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® training.

“I wondered how I would go with the 12 hour time difference, especially as the date got closer!

I got enough sleep to get me through the training.

I hoped to gain a level of healing, and a powerful tool to use with future clients

Prior to this training, I have only done pre-recorded hypnosis programs, which were ok but definitely not as powerful. I really love the 9 session Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® program… it’s a complete upgrade.

The Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® modality is different to other modalities I have experienced or worked with because it’s simply more powerful and works at a deeper level.

I went into this training with an open mind, ready to receive anything! I was surprised that it works even when I (as the client) felt I was not accessing a very deep level of hypnosis.

I feel more whole… that is the best way to put it, I think. I actually feel like a have retrieved parts of myself. I feel more confident and capable.

I feel more stability… more grounded

I‘ve been having trouble expressing my work, or really pinpointing what it is I do. This training is all laid out so for me it’s an easier entry into being of service and helping others to heal.

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® will help my clients to make the shifts, remove the blocks and obstacles that have been holding them back… this is really big.

The training cost was a financial stretch… It was a lot for me and my family on both fronts (time and money) but definitely worth it.

I am excited about bringing others into this journey and seeing the shifts take place in them.”

Bel Steer
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Embodiment and Lifestyle Coach
Tromso, Norway

So it is more than a great joy, or excitement of sureness, that I have finally found my life’s path, even though I am now technically of “retirement” age.

“I enrolled in the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® training as I was intrigued as to how Franchelle’s take on hypnosis from a soul level would be presented and work.

I was more than delighted when the training was offered online, though I was still under the misapprehension that hypnotherapy was only done in a person to person setting.

Which it turned out to be true. I was successful at being both the client and the hypnotherapist in a person to person setting, just online instead.

So it is more than a great joy, or excitement of sureness, that I have finally found my life’s path, even though I am now technically of “retirement” age.

So much has changed for me and I can honestly say I am not the person I was before this training.

The Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® system is a supremely beautiful system that works in conjunction with the soul and spirit allowing true healing to occur. I feel right at home in conducting the sessions with a certainty that the deepest level of healing will occur for my clients also. This is truly profound.

It is a system that brings with it a ‘peace that surpasses all understanding’ and of which I have never felt before. It is not a temporary healing.

It is a system whose time has come at this particular time in our evolution as a planet and those who seek a deeper and more life enhancing soul focused healing.

It has shifted so many of my inner blockages and sabotages that I have no hesitation in getting a website to promote this powerful healing system that I would like other people to take advantage of.

Someone asked me how much it cost, and I really could not remember. For whatever financial expenditure I spent has been worth it for my own healing, but also for the opportunity that other people will also be able to benefit from.

Friends have commented that I look younger and one of my friends and clients said “it’s like you’ve been doing this forever” – who knows, maybe I have in other lifetimes! It certainly feels wonderful to conduct the sessions, possibly as I am working with my soul and another soul, which is missing from so many other healing pursuits available today.

I have been asked for many testimonials over the course of my various healing ventures, and I have never been so happy to take the chance and rave about Franchelle’s Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis®; it truly is magical, deeply healing and right for the times we are in at this moment in time.

To be a part of this new cutting edge soul and spirit focused hypnotherapy soul retrieval is a practical way I can contribute to a soul’s healing experience.”

Manika Conning
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Astrologer Dip. Humanistic Astrology, Flower Essence Practitioner  Dip. NZFLFE, Dip. Trauma Management
Geelong, Regional Victoria Australia

The biggest moment for me, during the training, was when I realised that I can do this (it was working!!!). I was totally in awe of the process and the fact that I can now help others in this amazing deep way.

“I have NEVER EVER thought about being on training in any healing modality so it came as a surprise when I saw the email and decided to apply and was accepted.

I kept thinking I should pull out because of my time, but glad I didn’t!

The biggest moment for me, during the training,  was when I realised that I can do this (it was working!!!). I was totally in awe of the process and the fact that I can now help others in this amazing deep way.

I feel MORE SOLID and GROUNDED about my future in my business, and surprisingly I am very un-attached to the results.

As a result of the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Certificate training I feel solid, powerful, I believe in myself more and in my intuition. I know I am supposed to be doing this. I absolutely believe that I am connected to the magic of the universe.

I am more confident, more able to see the bigger picture, less dabbling in the personality aspect of life and more open to calling in miracles and magic on a daily basis.

This training has enabled me to be a trained professional in a healing modality, which is something I never thought I would be doing. 

Since I enrolled in the training, my existing business, kindyRock, has grown in leaps and now has robust structures and foundations, allowing me to free up time to take clients through the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® program. (KindyRock is a music education company, providing resources and training for early learning professionals both in New Zealand and internationally.)

I am now setting up my Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® business and will be running both side by side. 

This training was absolutely worth the investment compared to other courses, and retreats I have done. It was an amazing value!

After this training I am also excited about MY GROWTH! During the client process, I am learning and growing with them, and I can also continue to work through the healing process with my fellow students.

This training was magical, practical and life changing. Thank you for having me.”

Judi Cranston
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Soul Rocker
Auckland, New Zealand


I am now able to have a soul based and focused business that is life changing (for all parties), profitable and sustainable

“I did not feel that hypnotherapy and hypnosis as a modality was for me. So very surprised I am now a Certified Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® Hypnotherapist!

I was associating hypnotherapy as a modality for stopping habits and addictions rather than ‘healing’ in the true sense.

Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® has depth and profound power. It is a fully integrated approach. The integrity of the work and the content is of the highest calibre.

The biggest AHA for me during the training was the depth, power and speed of the healing that occurred in such a gentle way. The reclamation of joy is a delight! My confidence and faith in myself has been restored.

As a result of this training I am now able to have a soul based and focused business that is life changing (for all parties), profitable and sustainable.

It has moved me into a different state of relationship with my offering including pricing and audience.

While I haven’t priced at the very top end, I usually sit at the higher end of the scale but have been unable to create a package and pricing (of a package) which felt right. Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® has enabled this to lock in and it feels done!

This training was the biggest investment I have ever made in my business (or me) in one go, and I sit here in a space of feeling like this was the turnkey for me to finally feel fully empowered in my business and my life.

On a personal level, I am no longer picking and pulling at the threads of my life in that Virgo way of worrying or teasing like a dog with a bone. I have such a deep level of peace. While I have generally been peaceful, it’s like I have dropped into a whole new paradigm of peace that allows me to be totally at peace with the world. I think I even mentioned to my family that I was happy to do the dishes! (Happy and dishes have rarely been in the same sentence for me in my family life).

I feel more aligned with the flow of spirit and life. Life feels joyous, even doing the dishes (as mentioned above), and dealing with the mundane, daily grind and others. Everything feels easy, I feel there is a natural unfoldment occurring in every moment.

I have clarity to know exactly what to put my attention on, I feel my productivity has increased and energy feels more sustainable as I know what is needed in that moment.

While I am not unaccustomed to any of this before, it is now at such a deep and integrated level it is part of me, not something I have to work at to achieve or express. It’s a natural outworking and outflow.”

Debra Gillespie
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Alchemist
Auckland, New Zealand

This modality is what I have sought for most of my working life

“I have a background in yoga, massage, Rongoa Maori, herbal medicine, ritual and ceremony I have supported hundreds of people through the rites of passage of birth, death, connection and crisis. I was motivated to enrol in Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® training as I felt that this was my next step into continuing to learn and evolve spiritually. 

Initially the cost was an obstacle for me but enrolling in this work is a priority in my life and I found a way to make it happen.

Attending the training on zoom was initially a challenge as I am not tech-savvy, but I quickly learned to navigate zoom.

I simply trusted that any opportunity to learn from Franchelle is something that I should embrace. I believe Franchelle’s teachings are where I will find the gold that I require to evolve spiritually, better enabling me to purpose good in the world.

I knew nothing of hypnotherapy and had little idea of what I was going to be learning. At the end of the first day, I was brim full of excitement at what I was learning, I felt like I had come home.

As the days went on I felt that this modality is what I have sought for most of my working life.

This modality is very different from other training that I have done as it teaches and prepares us to head out into the world with all the skills that we require to work as a Hypnotique Protocol® esoteric hypnotherapist. It gave me real life experience of working both as client and as a therapist. It was from these sessions that I learned valuable lessons that will help me to be a better practitioner of this modality.

This training will enable me to succeed in moving my clients through the processes required to achieve their goals rapidly. I have been empowered to do this with a certainty as to the value of my work.

I have felt a shift in my confidence that is not just a veneer. I have a deep abiding trust that this process works.

The time and financial investment in this training has been of greater value than I could have imagined. There were so many valuable and pertinent nuggets of information shared with us. I have forged new connections with the other students that feel supportive and nurturing. The Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® online portal is such a valuable tool as I begin to develop a client base.

Since the training I have been excited to respond to queries about this modality and have felt confident in explaining the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy® nine-session process to those interested.

I have participated in further practice sessions with a classroom buddy and have begun taking bookings for clients who are excited about the potential for healing.

This course was intense, it felt like being in the alembic, and I felt changed on every level of my being at the end of the last day, altered to better be able to head out into the world with this system of healing.

The teachings we received were genuine gold to my soul and I have deep gratitude to Franchelle for the immense amount of knowledge that she has shared.”

Erihapeti Elizabeth McPherson
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist, Healer and Multi Media Creatrix
Aorere, Aotearoa New Zealand

I really look forward to learning and experiencing more so I can use it with my amazing clients

“I am a counsellor, flower essence therapist and BodyTalk practitioner and took the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® training as the next level up in service I am offering. I wanted to learn a new way to work with individuals on their soul journey.

The difference with the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® training compared to other hypnotherapy and healing trainings that I have invested in was that it linked the whole journey into the ancient teachings and built on the training I have already done.

As a result of this training and the exercises we did, I am fearless and clearer on my boundaries. This training has enabled me to work more deeply with those committed to their soul journey. Some of my clients have deep, deep wounds that I can see can be shifted through the Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnosis® process.

My time and financial investment into this training was absolutely worth it. It was so well presented and packaged that it will be easy to add it to my clinic.”

Hilary Carlile
Hypnotique Protocol® Esoteric Hypnotherapist
Counsellor, Flower Essences Therapist and Funder Mental Health Services